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  • Volume Number 7
  •  Issue 4
  • Cover Date: January 01, 2007

AMD3100 Affects Autograft Lymphocyte Collection and Progression-Free Survival After Autologous Stem Cell Transplantion in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Authors: Shernan G. Holtan, Luis F. Porrata, Ivana N. M. Micallef, Douglas J. Padley, David J. Inwards, Stephen A. Ansell, Patrick B. Johnston, Dennis A. Gastineau, Svetomir N. Markovic

Purpose: Autograft absolute lymphocyte count (A-ALC) affects survival after autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). AMD3100, a CXCR4 antagonist, mobilizes CD34 + stem cells in patients with NHL undergoing ASCT. We sought to study the impact of AMD3100 on A-ALC collection in patients with NHL undergoing ASCT. Patients and Methods: The primary endpoint of the study was to assess the association between AMD3100 and A-ALC collection. We compared 7 consecutive patients with NHL mobilized with AMD3100 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor with 29 control patients with NHL mobilized with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor alone. Results: Higher median A-ALCs were observed in the AMD3100 group compared with the control group (4.16× 10 9 lymphocytes/kg vs. 0.288× 10 9 lymphocytes/kg; P < 0.0001). With a median follow-up of 20 months (range, 4-24 months), no relapses were reported in the AMD3100 group compared with 15 of 29 in the control group ( P < 0.02). Conclusion: Our data suggest that AMD3100 affects A-ALC and clinical outcome in patients with NHL undergoing ASCT.

Keywords: Autograft absolute lymphocyte count, Endpoint, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor

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